Thursday, June 26, 2008

French people sell wine boxes instead of juice boxes.

Today is my last broadcast from Strasbourg. I'm leaving on a train early tomorrow morning to spend a day in Paris, then I fly out of Paris Saturday morning. I'm hoping that I will be able to do a bike tour of the city before I leave. Today, I went on one last tour through a botanical garden here, I walked the streets of downtown one last time and the family I'm staying with had a cook out--the three teachers that will come to Wilmington were all there. When I was in town today, I went into a grocery store and was quite amused to see that the wine comes in boxes just like the juice in America. I guess here for lunch you pack a wine box rather than a juice box. Also note the size of the car--this golf-cart-size car is relatively common here in Europe. The car is similar to the car I used for my Barbies as a young lass. But they get pretty good gas mileage and parking is never a problem because it can fit in a phone booth if necessary. Strasbourg has been amazing and the people have been welcoming and very generous. I have loved my time here and I am very excited for the group to come in October!


Anonymous said...

I love how happy you look with the wine boxes! So glad you had a magical trip! Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...


Donna said...

Hi Kelli! This is Donna McQueen from Ashley. I'm really enjoying your blogs and I read them to my students every day. C'est dommage que tu aies mal aux dents! Your pictures are great and I look forward to reading you when I log in at Ashley every morning, keep the blogs coming! Say hi to the French teachers from me! Also, please tell Keith to email me....I want to know how his trip is going! If possible, help him set up his blog....