Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bonbons and more!

Caroline, the English teacher with whom I am staying, and I went to watch the soccer game at a bar called "Toons." It had pictures of Loony toons all over the wall. But let me assure you, the French flags and soccer jerseys every where reminded me exactly where I was. A group of German students also were watching the game. Did you know the drinking age is not enforced in France and they have no official smoking age? France had a disappointing loss that involved the team scoring a goal against themselves on a penalty kick and a player being ejected with a red card. This morning, I saw a clock in the Strasbourg Cathedral (the one I climbed to the top of yesterday). It was the tallest structure from 1647 until 1874. In this cathedral, there is an astronomical clock. The clock in the cathedral is not the original clock, rather this clock was rebuilt around 1840. However, this elaborate and Armageddon-esque structure can indicate leap year, equinoxes and Easter, and much more astronomical data that is quite advanced considering the time in which it was built. I say Armageddon-esque because of the messages of death and judgment (think skeleton with scythe and angel with an hour glass). At noon, after the skeleton rings a bell and the angle turns over the hour glass, the 12 apostles circle around Jesus at the top of the clock. This clock is massive as you may imagine. Also, I meet with two classes of French students today to talk to them about America and Wilmington, NC. I took a picture of the 8th graders on a wall build by the Romans in the 1st century. The 10th graders are some of the students that will be traveling to Wilmington in October. I also stopped by a French candy store (magasine de bonbon)--I can feel the cavities coming. But it's good!


Allison said...

We are in Cherry Grove, SC enjoying Paris through your eyes-we are anxiously awaiting your next entry-Enjoy-By the way Fletcher says hello

The Austin family

Anonymous said...


Dont forget the techi person - i am glad you are having a ggod time.

Anonymous said...

What I found interesting about the photos of the students were their shoes! A lot of the kids look like they wear the old Ked style of tennis shoes, not the $90 Brand Name shoe kids here wear. Also, isnt it ironic you travel all the way over there and some girl is wearing a Murray Middle School shirt!(just kidding)
T. White

Anonymous said...

It looks like you are having a good trip. I enjoy reading your blog. What do you think of the amount of litter there versus Wilmington? How do you like the food?
Have Fun!!

B. Jones

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your elaborate description of the clock. The advancement of the clock is amazing.

Who was that blonde girl who put her head in the photo of you. Random people shouldn't put their heads in pictures. I don't know what I'd do if I was taking a picture of myself and a passer-by stuck their face in the picture. That's just crazy! Have you seen that loudmouth bird? I'm Brian Fellows.

Will you get someone to take a picture of you swimming in that river? That would be a great shot.

Thanks for all the pictures.

kelli said...

1. Actually, the French students wear a lot of Vans and Converse shoes like American kids, only they pay twice as much to buy them in Europe--super expensive. And she might actually be wearing a Murray tee, I gave them out as prizes to the three students who got the most correct answers on a "quiz" on America.
2. There is about an equal amount of litter here as in the states and I've noticed much more graffiti. The food is amazing, it just costs a million dollars to eat here.
3. Dave, if I swam in that river I would probably die of some disease--it's very polluted. And it is really weird how random people will just jump in your picture here in France. What is up with that?

Anonymous said...

I so love the European obsession with soccer. Have you let them know that Americans barely care about it. If so, what do they think. Also, what kind of music do they have on their ipods? Just curious. Oh yeah, are they also addicted to their cell phones? Can you even text in French? And more about candy and bars that would be good too.